Spanning the Spectrum
February 1-15 average temperatures were within 2°F of normal or above normal for a majority of the Northeast.
Average temperatures during the first half of February spanned from more than 6°F below normal to more than 6°F above normal. The coldest areas were in northern Maine, while the warmest areas were in portions of West Virginia, western Maryland, and southern Pennsylvania. Twenty-eight of the region’s 35 major climate sites were warmer than normal, with twenty sites ranking this first half of February among their top 20 warmest. Of the six cooler-than-normal sites, Caribou, ME had its 18th coldest start to February.
Average temperature departures at the major climate sites ranged from 5.7°F below normal in Caribou, ME to 6.4°F above normal in Huntington, WV.
While some southern and southeastern parts of the region were drier than normal, a large portion of the Northeast saw near to above-normal precipitation from February 1-15.
Precipitation during the first half of February spanned from less than 25% of normal to more than 200% of normal. The driest areas were in southeastern West Virginia and southern Maryland, while the wettest areas were in parts of northern Pennsylvania, New York, and New England. Of the twenty wetter-than-normal major climate sites, six ranked this first half of February among their top 20 wettest. Conversely, of the fifteen drier-than-normal sites, seven had a top 20 dry first half of February. Drought conditions continue to improve across the Northeast.
Precipitation at the major climate sites ranged from 11% of normal at Washington National, DC to 231% of normal in Portland, ME.
February 1-15 snowfall was generally within 6 inches of normal or above normal.
Snowfall during the first half of February spanned from 12 inches below normal to more than 24 inches above normal. The largest deficits were in West Virginia, while the greatest surpluses were in Maine and central New Hampshire. Of the 22 sites that received above-normal snowfall, fourteen ranked this first half of February among their top 20 snowiest. In fact, Portland, ME was record snowy for the period. Conversely, of the 13 sites that received below-normal snowfall, six ranked this first half of February among their top 20 least snowy.
Snowfall at the major climate sites ranged from 8.8 inches below normal in Beckley, WV to 29.5 inches above normal in Portland, ME, which was record snowy.