Another Season Wraps Up
May average temperatures ranged from more than 3°F below normal to 3°F above normal.
May average temperatures ranged from more than 3°F below normal in southwestern parts of the Northeast such as West Virginia to 3°F above normal in the northeastern corner of the region such as Maine, with a large portion of the region seeing below- or near-normal temperatures. May average temperatures at the 35 major climate sites ranged from 4.0°F below normal in Albany, NY, to 3.0°F above normal in Boston, MA. Although 23 of the major climate sites were cooler than normal, three ranked ranked this May among their 20 warmest on record.
While many sites were colder than normal, three sites ranked this May among their 20 warmest on record.
May precipitation ranged from 25% of normal to 200% of normal.
May precipitation varied, ranging from 25% of normal to 200% of normal. The driest locations were in southern/eastern West Virginia, western/northern New York, eastern Vermont, and coastal Maine, while the wettest locations were in northeastern Pennsylvania, south-central New York, and portions of southern New England. May precipitation at the major climate sites ranged from 38% of normal in Burlington, VT, to 167% of normal in Worcester, MA. Four of the 22 drier-than-normal sites ranked this May among their 20 driest on record, while six of the 12 wetter-than-normal sites ranked this May among their 20 wettest on record.
Four major climate sites had one of their 20 driest Mays on record, while six had one of their 20 wettest.
May snowfall ranged from an inch below normal to more than 3 inches above normal.
A large portion of the Northeast typically doesn’t see snowfall in May. For those locations that do, snowfall ranged from an inch below normal to more than 3 inches above normal. Only five of the 35 major climate sites average measurable snowfall in May. This May, four of those sites did not see measurable snow. Only Binghamton, NY, was snowier-than-normal site and had it the site’s ninth snowiest May.
Binghamton, NY, was the only snowier-than-normal site and had its ninth snowiest May.
Spring temperatures ranged from 1°F below normal to 3°F above normal.
Spring was warmer than normal for much of the Northeast, with average temperatures ranging from near normal to 3°F above normal for most areas. The warmest locations were generally in New England, New York, and northwestern Pennsylvania. Meanwhile, West Virginia was the lone cooler-than-normal spot with temperatures running as much as 1°F below normal. Spring average temperatures at the 35 major climate sites ranged from 1.6°F below normal in Albany, NY, to 3.2°F above normal in Erie, PA. Overall, 29 major climate sites were warmer than normal, with 27 ranking this spring among their 20 warmest on record.
This spring ranked among the 20 warmest on record at 27 major climate sites.
Spring precipitation ranged from 50% of normal to 150% of normal.
A large portion of the Northeast wrapped up spring on the dry site of normal, with the driest locations seeing 50% to 75% of normal precipitation. However, a few spots, particularly south-central New York and northeastern Maine were wetter, seeing up to 150% of normal precipitation. At the major climate sites, precipitation ranged from 60% of normal in Erie, PA, to 116% of normal in Binghamton, NY. Eight of the 22 drier than normal sites ranked this spring among their 20 driest on record, while Binghamton had its 11th wettest spring.
Eight major climate sites had one of their 20 driest spring on record, while Binghamton, NY, had its 11th wettest spring.
Spring snowfall was as much as 24 inches below normal.
Spring snowfall was below normal for the entire Northeast, with the largest deficits of as much as 24 inches found in Maine, eastern New Hampshire, central New York, western Maryland, and eastern West Virginia. Spring snowfall at the 35 major climate sites ranged from 16.6 inches below normal in Burlington, VT, to 2.0 inches below normal in Washington, D.C. This spring was the least snowy on record for eight of the sites, in most cases tying several other years. However, it was the first time on record that Bridgeport, CT, recorded no spring snowfall. Another 24 of the sites ranked this spring among their 20 least snowy on record.
Eight major climate sites recorded their least snowy spring on record, while another 24 of the sites ranked this spring among their 20 least snowy on record.
Seasonal snowfall ranged from more 48 inches below normal to 36 inches above normal.
Snowfall for the entire snow season (October to May) ranged from more than 48 inches below normal in central New Hampshire and northern New York to 36 inches above normal in northern Pennsylvania. At the 35 major climate sites, snowfall ranged from 54.5 inches below normal in Syracuse, NY, to 25.0 inches above normal in Allentown, PA. Overall, 21 of those sites saw below-normal snowfall with five having one of their 20 least snowy seasons on record. Conversely, eight of the 14 snowier-than-normal sites ranked this season among their 20 snowiest.
The snow season ranked among the 20 least snowy on record at five major climate sites but among the 20 snowiest at eight major climate sites.
June is expected to be warmer than normal for the Northeast, with wetter conditions for southern locations. Click to enlarge.
For June, NOAA’s Climate Prediction Center (CPC) favors above-normal temperatures for the entire Northeast, with increased chances of above-normal precipitation for southern areas. For summer, CPC is calling for an increased likelihood of above-normal precipitation and above-normal temperatures for the whole Northeast.
CPC’s summer outlooks indicate a tilt toward wetter-than-normal and warmer-than-normal conditions in the Northeast. Click to enlarge.